Industrial Washing Machines Grand Rapids MI

Industrial Washing Machines Grand Rapids MI

Get the Most from Industrial Washing Machines in Grand Rapids MI

Is your business searching for a more effective method for processing dirty laundry and linen? You’re not alone! Industries throughout the U.S. rely on the cleaning capabilities of commercial laundry equipment. However, if you don’t find the right equipment, your company’s cleanliness can suffer. Thankfully, Yamamoto North America supplies the best industrial washing machines for Grand Rapids MI. See what our washing machines have to offer!

Industrial Washing Machines Grand Rapids MI

Your Washer’s Key Features

With Yamamoto washers, you can be confident you’re getting a high-quality, long-lasting, incredibly efficient and affordable machine. While other laundry machine manufacturers introduce special and premium features through costly add-ons, our machines’ best features are made standard. Such washer features include:

  • Oversized bearing with triple seal protection
  • Heavy Duty post and pin style door hinge with stainless steel locking mechanism
  • One-of-a-kind metal housing drain valves with no tools required to access
  • Fully serviceable two-piece brass fill valves
  • Dual soft-mount suspension with heavy-duty shocks and springs
  • One of a kind, fully programmable, with up to 100 cycles, touch screen control
Industrial Washing Machines Grand Rapids MI

Made for Your Business

Yamamoto NA prides itself on building a superior washing machine that meets the cleanliness standards of nearly every industry. To design such a machine, we consider what’s required of industries where laundry washing is routine.

  • Healthcare – Nowhere is cleanliness more of a concern than in a hospital or doctor’s office. As such, our washers look to optimize your facility’s cleaning potential. With steam injection and triple seal protection, every load is guaranteed clean.
  • Athletics – Sports facilities, health centers, and gyms continually dirty towels, uniforms, equipment, and other linen products. And constant laundry cleaning can lead to a significant increase in utility costs. In response, Yamamoto designed washing equipment with water and energy conservation in mind.
  • Hospitality – The sheer amount of towels, sheets, curtains, and other linen can be overwhelming for any hotel, motel or resort manager. Thus, Yamamoto washers feature an oversized bearing and dual soft-mount suspension system to maximize stability. This stability allows our machines to manage any size of laundry load quickly.
  • Industrial – Factory floors and manufacturing facilities must be able to clean equipment, tools, uniforms and heavier linen efficiently. To do so, Yamamoto’s washers are built with the best parts and high-quality materials. This ensures our washers can manage “heavy-duty” loads with minimal wear and tear.

Talk with Our Team

When your business is ready to invest in new industrial washing machines in Grand Rapids MI, ensure you’re getting nothing less than the best with Yamamoto North America. To learn more about our products, call us today at 866-204-0519. Also, our main office is located at 205 S. Lee St. Bloomington, IL 61701.