That’s a Wrap! Our Thoughts on the 2022 Clean Show


That’s a Wrap! Our Thoughts on the 2022 Clean Show

That’s a Wrap! Our Thoughts on the 2022 Clean Show

After the last few years of COVID restrictions, quarantining, and Zoom calls, it was both exhilarating and cathartic to finally convene for the 2022 Clean Show. This year, Yamamoto NA was at the convention in force, boasting the largest booth we’ve ever done! Not to mention, we got to show off new products, talk to other industry experts, attend educational sessions, and network to our hearts’ content.

Our Biggest Event Yet!

The Clean Show boasted an impressive figure of 10,000 attendees, with approximately 350 exhibitors, 51 of whom were first-time. Such attendance numbers were impressive, considering this was the first Clean Show since quarantine began in 2020. And at Yamamoto NA’s booth, we had the most visitors we’ve ever had at a conference! While we can’t get exact, we estimate the number of visitors to our booth was 5 to 10 times more than we’ve had in previous years.

What’s New?

At Yamamoto’s booth, we unveiled some exciting new products we plan to offer clients within the coming months. The first, the FUT10BT, is our multi-piece towel folder. This incredible machine can fold up to 650 towels per hour, with precise touch-screen controls that make operation a breeze. We plan on talking more about the FUT10BT in future blog posts. And if you’d like to see a demonstration of our towel folder in action, check out the video below!

Our second piece of equipment that we unveiled was an industrial commercial washer. However, not our standard industrial washer but a coin-operated machine! That’s right, Yamamoto is diving into the coin-operated machinery market! Every machine is similar to Yamamoto’s WUD line of washing equipment, but with the addition of coin operation. This was the first time we publicly introduced the concept of our coin-operated machinery in the US, and we’re excited to talk more about these washers soon!

Who We Met

While we met HUNDREDS of new faces, there were plenty of familiar faces among the crowd! Of those familiar faces, we got to connect with 2-M Kasei’s Masaharu Mizukami. For years, Yamamoto and 2-M have partnered to produce some of the industry’s best wet-cleaning products, helping dry-cleaners provide exceptional cleaning worldwide! And it’s all thanks to the Harmony Wet-Cleaning system! Of course, we couldn’t resist a photo-op with Mizukami.

Another surprising meeting we had at the Clean Show was with one of our first customers in the US! Before Yamamoto had a full presence in the North American market, we only had a few customers utilizing our equipment throughout the country. It was incredible to see one of the first buyers of Yamamoto washers and dryers in the US, and exciting to have them visit our booth! In some sense, it felt like Yamamoto NA was coming full circle.

That's a Wrap! Our Thoughts on the 2022 Clean Show

Our Biggest Takeaway

Without hammering the point anymore, the world has gone through a turbulent past few years. As we finally come into a new normal for our society, participating in conventions like the Clean Show has been a positive experience for all involved. After three years of being stuck behind computer screens, the Clean Show allowed us to see industry friends, partners, and clients face-to-face. Throughout the four-day event, you could feel the excitement and anticipation on the show floor. While we look forward to the next Clean Show, it won’t be easy to top the show we just experienced.

Speaking of Next Clean Show…

That’s right; the Clean Show is happening again! Mark your calendars for August 2025 in sunny Orlando, FL! While it might seem like a far bit off, we couldn’t be more excited at the prospect of the next Clean Show. (Plus, it gives us plenty of time to figure out how we will top this year’s booth.)

Everyone at Yamamoto NA is thankful to those who attended the 2022 Clean Show and visited our booth. The conference was over faster than it began, but we can’t wait to do it all over again. See you at the next Clean Show!